Small Claims
The Small Claims Division is for cases for up to $6,500. If your claim exceeds $6,500. and you file in the Small Claims Division, you waive your right to collect more than that amount. Please note, however, that beginning in January 2024 the maximum claim will be raised to $7,000.
Small Claims cases are initially heard by a magistrate. Either party may appeal the magistrate's decision within seven calendar days of the date of judgment. If the magistrate's decision is appealed, it is then assigned to a judge for a new hearing and the judge's decision is final and may not be appealed to a higher court.
When you file in the Small Claims Court, you waive or give up your right to:
- be represented by an attorney
- have a Jury trial
When filing your small claims case, you must decide how the defendant is going to be served (appointed court officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, certified mail or a legally competent adult who is not a party to the action). If you would like the court to forward your documents to an appointed court officer, a separate service fee is required. Please contact them regarding the cost prior to filing your lawsuit with the court. Do not remit your court officer fee to the court. If you are mailing in your filing, please indicate which court officer you have selected, however, you must pay them directly.
- Our court officers are:
- Attorney's Aides: 586-751-2622
- Rancilio & Associates: 586-792-3810
To recover damages from a motor vehicle accident where the other driver is at fault and had insurance at the time of the accident, you are limited to the amount not covered by your insurance up to $500.
The prevailing parties are responsible for the collection of judgments. Collection remedies include periodic and non-periodic garnishments, state income tax garnishment, execution against property, and creditors exam.
For Small Claims Forms may be purchased at the court's civil counter for $1.00 per form. You can also find them online here:
Small Claims: Filing Fees may be paid by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard or Discover. Checks or money orders should be made payable the 45th District Court and may be mailed or turned in at the civil window at the court. Credit card payments must be mad in person at the cashier's window.
- $1.00-$600.00 $30.00
- $601.00-1,750.00 $50.00
- $1,751-$6,500.00 $70.00
If you have any questions, please call the civil department at 248-691-7440 prompt #2.